Saint-Gobain’s CSR policy is built around five commitments: inventing sustainable buildings, limiting the Group’s environmental impacts, encouraging employees’ professional growth, supporting local community development and Differentiate on industry markets.

The Commitment at the Core of Our DNA
Saint-Gobain's commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is based on the Group's Principles of Conduct and Action.
The five commitments of Saint-Gobain's CSR policy:
Invent sustainable buildings
As the world leader in the habitat and construction markets, Saint-Gobain has a special responsibility to encourage sustainable construction in the face of such pressing issues as accelerated urbanization, worldwide population growth, declining natural resources and climate change. The Group takes part in discussions on energy efficiency in buildings and develops eco-innovative solutions with the goal of reducing products' environmental impact in buildings by taking all lifecycle stages into account, both in new building and renovation projects.
Limit our environmental impacts
Saint-Gobain's manufacturing and distribution operations have an impact on the environment. The Group takes action to reduce these impacts to the minimum, both in its plants and during product shipment. Raw materials, waste, energy, water and biodiversity are major challenges for Saint-Gobain. Common policies and tools allow all the sites to make progress in these areas and share their experience.
Encourage employees' professional growth
Saint-Gobain's human resources policy is designed to offer all employees a working environment in which they can thrive both personally and professionally, as this is a fundamental factor in well-being and performance in the workplace. To support employees' growth, Saint-Gobain's human resources policy has set four priorities within the OPEN program: professional mobility, team diversity, employee commitment and development of talent.
Support local community development
Wherever the Group is present, it is a major local player who contributes to the economic and social development of its host communities. Saint-Gobain's action is in line with a sustainable and shared benefit approach. The Group also supports community outreach initiatives as part of its general concern for the world around it and for the neighbours of Saint-Gobain sites, some of which were established many years ago. Employees play a key role, as can be seen in the projects they sponsor for the Saint-Gobain Initiatives International Corporate Foundation.
Differentiate on industry markets
Including CSR performance – economic, social and environmental – in the entire life cycle of Saint-Gobain products is a real factor of differentiation. The result: improved environmental performance of our products, co-development of solutions that boost our customers' performance and a competitive advantage through recognition of our status as a responsible supplier
In all of its businesses, Saint-Gobain is committed to being close to customers so it can offer innovative, lasting solutions and work with them to invent the habitat of tomorrow.
1 2014 Registration Document | 2014 |
2 2015 Registration Document | 2015 |
3 2016 Registration Document | 2016 |
4 2017 Registration Document | 2017 |
5 2018 Registration Document | 2018 |
6 2019 Registration Document | 2019 |